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Photograph of Anne, Medical Nurse Practitioner


Medical Nurse Practitioner, Ulster Hospital, SEHSCT

Job/Role Summary

I currently work in the Ulster Hospital Emergency Department in the resuscitation and major’s areas as an Emergency Medical Nurse Practitioner Assess, diagnose and treat patients presenting to the emergency department.

Specific qualifications and experience:

Experienced Emergency Nurse and Cardiology Nurse
Specialist Practice Degree
Non- Medical Nurse Prescribing Course
Advanced Life Support (ALS)
Paediatric Life Support (PLS)
Advanced Trauma Nursing Course (ATNC)
Acute Life Threatening Events Recognition and Treatment (ALERT)

Career Milestones

My career started in cardiology and I worked there for around 18 years before moving to the emergency department. Throughout my career I have always loved the teaching aspect of nursing and to me every day is a school day no matter how long you’ve been nursing.

I did my first ALS course in 1997 which I thoroughly enjoyed and came back to the ward full of enthusiasm to make changes; 3 years later I did my second course and was selected as an instructor. Every course I teach on I learn something new as instructors are from medicine and nursing as well as resuscitation officers.

I have been an ALS instructor for almost 16 years, I am also a Paediatric Life Support trainer and ALERT instructor and recently completed the Advanced Trauma Nursing instructor’s course.

Being an instructor on various courses helps me keep myself up to date and gives me confidence in my practice. It also has given me confidence to run scenarios within the department and therefore ensure departmental education is ongoing.

What attracted you to this job?

As a Medical Nurse Practitioner I have been able to develop my skills and knowledge to allow me to help patients in all aspects of care. I often got frustrated when I couldn’t complete my care for patients or felt I hadn’t fully dealt with their presenting problems.

Enjoyable aspects of the job/role

I love working with patients of all ages and with many different problems. My role is very hands on and very much in the front line of caring for people at their lowest and highest points in life.

Working in the emergency department, every day is different and things can change very quickly so you can never become complacent. Every day I learn something new.

Important success factors

I would describe myself as a very determined person with a willingness to learn.
Good interpersonal skills are essential and knowing when to give and accept help.
Be prepared to work hard and accept that learning is a continuous process.
Mainly experience in dealing with patients with multiple presentations.
Advice for those considering the type of job/role?
Obtain as much experience in as many areas as possible.
Do not be afraid to ask questions, be curious and don’t just do things because you’ve been asked to do them, ask why.
Be nice to people it will get you much further in life and work